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Athletic Information

Yes.  Please click on the following link to see the brochure for our voluntary student/athletic insurance.

Students must be in the 6th grade and have passing grades to join the athletic program.

Access to District Property

Authorized District officials, including school resource officers and District police officers if applicable, may refuse to allow a person access to property under the District's control in accordance with law.

District officials may request assistance from law enforcement in an emergency or when a person is engaging in behavior rising to the level of criminal conduct.

Ejection or Exclusion under Education Code 37.105

In accordance with Education Code 37.105, a District official shall provide a person refused entry to or ejected from property under the District's control written information explaining the right to appeal such refusal of entry or ejection under the District's grievance process.

A person appealing under the District's grievance process shall be permitted to address the Board in person within 90 calendar days of filing the initial complaint, unless the complaint is resolved before the Board considers it. [See FNG and GF]

Off-Campus Activities

Employees shall be designated to ensure appropriate conduct of participants and others attending a school-related activity at non-District or out-of-District facilities. Those so designated shall coordinate their efforts with persons in charge of the facilities.


Tobacco and E-Cigarettes

The District prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes on District property, in District vehicles, or at school-related activities.


The District prohibits the unlawful use, possession, or display of any firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon, as defined at FNCG, on all District property at all times.


No violation of this policy occurs when:

  1. A Texas handgun license holder stores a handgun or other firearm in a locked vehicle in a parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area provided by the District, as long as the handgun or other firearm is not in plain view; or
  2. The use, possession, or display of an otherwise prohibited weapon takes place as part of a District-approved activity supervised by proper authorities. [See FOD]




DATE ISSUED: 12/8/2020